Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Update...It's been way too long!

Emerson was 7 weeks old on Monday! For the past 7 weeks, I have been staying at home mostly and every once in a while, I get out for lunch or errands. It's not that I am one of those new mommy's that won't take her anywhere, but it's rather hard to get out with a very small baby. First, the bucket seat is really heavy just to carry around everywhere by yourself. So you better be going somewhere you can use the stroller or put it in the buggy. Secondly, she has a limited amount of time in between feedings where you can count on her being somewhat content and hopefully napping. I absolutely refuse to be one of those parents that let their child just scream and completely ignore the fact there are other people around (I want to at least appear that I care and am doing something about it). So, although I enjoy the time at home, it gets rather boring...So I try to space out lunches, visits, etc. every other day. That way, I know we get a rest at home if we need it.

I went back to work yesterday...Well, sort of. I am determined to make the part-time in the office and part-time at home actually work. With my current position, it's a little to make it happen. Plus, I work for my father and I think he wants to make it work too. I am not against daycare, but I have the opportunity to be flexible right now so I don't want to pay for 5 full days a week of daycare when I don't really need it. SO...back to where I started...I went to work yesterday...I know that with my flexible schedule that I need to be consistent. That means...Being at work when I say I will be there AND getting all of my work done each week. Yesterday was more or less the day that I went in, talked to everyone, picked up tons of paperwork to look over and catch up on, went to lunch, and then went home with my stacks of reading material. Next week, I start my 2 days at work and working from home. I am still going to be part-time for now and hopefully in September will be working a full-time schedule.

The month of August will be interesting. I hope to get in a routine so I can get some work done at home with Emerson at my side. It's going to be hard!!! But I am up for the challenge!

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