Friday, October 30, 2009

Chandeliers for the Brave

I love decoration inspiration. Do you have an inspirational file tucked away somewhere too? I love my magazines and catalogues. They give me so many ideas. The only problem: I can’t keep them ALL forever. So I let them pile up and then take the time to pull out my favorites. When we were updating/remodeling our current house, I thought I was being brave and thinking outside the box. But alas, I look around now and think I picked things that are pretty traditional. I just wish I was will be more brave.

Check out these light fixtures…

I would LOVE this for my dining room. I just wonder if it gets all gross when it really tarnishes. 8180-2So fun! I want to do this in my courtyard.8004AI totally love this one. I am always attracted to things that relate to the family business. I don’t know if I would be brave enough for the rainbow of colors, but the idea is truly unique and interesting.75001This is awesome. I love seeing wine bottles used in different ways.img80mAnd in keeping with the wine theme…Check out these hurricane lamps. Such a great idea! Now if I can figure out how to perfectly cut out the bottom of a wine bottle.7923-1

I told Rachel that I would show my own house a bit more in my blog. (Please remember that our entire house was baby yellow, salmon pink, and bright brass when we bought it so absolutely everything was changed. Money actually was an object to us so some things were compromised until a later date.) So here goes…

This is our chandelier that hangs in my foyer. I chose it mostly because of the perfectly round drops that hang from it. I loved the simplicity and thought it was a good contrast to the stripes that are painted in the small entry room.


Here is our dining room chandelier. I love the formality. I can’t bring myself to put chandelier shades on the bulbs because I can’t find any that I love as much as the chandelier itself.DSC04750

The chandelier that hangs in our breakfast area. DSC04770 I chose it mostly because of the simple arm shape…


*Images courtesy of NapaStyle and Pottery Barn.


Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

You know I'm a huge fan of your foyer! You have every reason to show off your house, you did the whole thing without a designer!

Get Off Your A.S.K. said...

Those chandiliers are great. I love the stripes in the foyer. I decorated my house without a designer too. It's much more fun that way. That way your personality really shines through rather than what the designer interprets as your personality.