Friday, October 16, 2009


I never did the Halloween thing growing up. I always wanted to, but it just wasn't something we ever did for some reason. Phillip really gets into dressing up and handing out candy. And I have to admit the kiddos are usually really cute (except for the ones that are just a bit too old and aren't even dressed up). We will be at home on Halloween handing out candy.

I found a few costumes that would work and I am still debating...

Baby Elvis...The Woopie Cushion...Baby Leia...
And my favorite, the Car Freshner (pine scented)...

If you haven't figured out that I am kidding then you apparently don't know me at all. But seriously, I found Emerson a sweet costume and will post pictures on Halloween.

1 comment:

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

i he bet Phillip was pulling for the Leia costume