Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yada House

I have blogged about the Yada House before (see my older posts). But one of the goals that the Yada House has taken on this year was to make the public more aware of the Yada House, and, in doing that, the products and display of the Yada House need to be professional and interesting to draw attention. In that, I begged and pleaded with my dad (haha) to customize a display unit to house the Yada House prints (prints featuring the kids’ artwork) that are sold in the Junior League store and at Christmas Jubilee. I think in the past, the prints have been left in a basket on a table and haven’t received much attention. So the display unit needed to be attractive and fun.

This is what I envisioned. It’s a rough sketch, but I think my drawing makes sense.


Here is the display unit after being built (pre-paint)…


I think it is going to look awesome once its primed and painted. I will post more pictures of the finished product within the next week .


Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

what color are you painting it?

Unknown said...

I don't know...Mostly white, but maybe green accents (and some pink too if I get my