Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hello, Blog. My name is Meagan.

I really miss blogging. I mean I seriously miss it. I think about it on a regular basis and find myself pre-writing posts in my head. But yet time passes and nothing goes from thought to blog.

So here goes the explanation on where I went…1. Well, life just got busy. Having a full-time job that I do part-time at work and part-time at home, a very active and heavy (33 pounds as of the last time we checked) toddler, and trying to keep all the things together in between have just worn me out. 2. I received some negative feedback from family about posting my life details on the internet (no matter how mundane and the fact that no one reads it anyway). 3. In the meantime of not being fully supported on my blog, I was informed that someone was reading my facebook posts and reporting on them to someone I work with. Apparently, a joke I made about getting the mail (a duty usually highly guarded by my father) was exaggerated into making fun of my father and working at the family business. It’s so nice when you can trust the people you go to church with (*sarcasm*). Hence, it put a damper on my thoughts of social media for a while. 4. And lastly, I have written numerous posts which have never been posted. I reread them prior to posting and think, “Why would anyone be interested in this???” So I guess I find myself rather boring sometimes and assume others will too.

So, as I sit here and wonder how I am going to get my house in order…and, oh yeah, furnish and decorate a second nursery (By the way, #2 is on the way and it’s a boy.), I will go ahead and add ‘be a better blogger' to the list to the list.

cartoon from
