Monday, October 19, 2009

Blogging is AWESOME!

So...I am trying to make my blog more interesting...I may ramble and I may say some things that you don't want to hear...Ummm, I mean read. BUT, I want to see if I can make my blog just a bit more exciting...AND hopefully attract some more readers!

I love my blog. It's just plain awesome. I love to type up these random bits of my existence and then put it on the internet for anyone to read. Not kidding. I have happened upon various blogs chronicling other lives and read a post here or there all depending upon my mood at that time. So it makes me wonder who reads mine. Some I know...Some I don't. I spent a good 2 hours blogging last week [blog gripe: it takes way tooooo long to upload pics!]. (And I definitely had some other things I should have been doing rather than blogging.) So I finished up my San Antonio posts and then got ready for bed. I was whining about how tired I was when Phillip told me (with his serious face) that I should stop blogging because it always makes me tired. Lol. I thought about that statement for the next day or so. I really do think I get tired after blogging. But why??? I thought, and thought, and thought some more, and then I realized...Blogging makes me just sit down for a short period of time and just think. You know...Think about what I have done/accomplished recently and find a way to put it in words. I also organize my upcoming future schedule and adventures for my updates. So I guess Phillip's right. It makes me tired. Mainly because it makes me think. There are definitely times that I look at what I have done and what I have coming up and want to scream because we are completely over scheduled...BUT at the same time, I love how it makes me really think about the days that go by and not just look back after a year and ask where the time went. That's enough gushing about my blog baby.

So in the effort to make the blog a bit more interesting and eventful, I am going to get serious. I mean super serious. I am going to make an effort to post something new every single day! OMG. This is going to be hard.

I already have a few upcoming posts that are already churning in my massively smart brain...(lol).


Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Get windows live writer- it cuts your pic downloading time in half! Call me and I can walk you through it.

Unknown said...

Sweet! I will look into that!