Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Blogging

So, my brother’s girlfriend, Reagan, just posted a “happy” post.  The reason being is that my brother apparently summarizes everything I say to him in person which completely changes in a quick text message to someone else.  Today, the fam went to lunch at Beaudean’s and we got to talking about Reagan’s blog (I brought it up and was asking about Reagan’s travelling dreams).  I said (in so many words) that I thought Reagan should be more optimistic and positive about her dreams of travel and her future. 

Basically, I have been blogging for over a year and have found that it is very easy to sit down, type, and find that you have just posted a rather long and “depressing” post.  I would hate to count the amount of posts that I have written, reread, and then deleted before ever making it to my actual blog.  Sometimes, its just a process of verbalizing my feelings at that point in time and then realizing that I have said what I need to say (even if no one else reads it) and move on. 

Not that Reagan’s blog is a bunch of raving lunatic rants.  I just read about a lot of her dreams that she seems to find somewhat unrealistic right now (at least that is how I read it).  David passed on the info that I found her blog depressing (thanks David…like my dad said at lunch…you can’t tell him anything without it causing trouble).  That is not what I said or meant.  People forget that they need to be their own #1 fan.  If you don’t believe that you can do it, then why would you expect anyone else to?  Reagan’s a smart girl.  She can do anything that she wants to do. 

Everyone gets a kick of reality now and then.  A friend told me that I “sell myself short” a few days ago.  I was at first surprised by that comment.  But I think she’s right.  I do.  I need to take pride in my accomplishments and start achieving my next ones.  And in the meantime, I need to celebrate life and all it has to offer.  I want my blog to provide others with a happy, yet realistic view of my life…BUT don’t be surprised when you don’t hear about all of the mishaps and mistakes along the way.

1 comment:

Reagan said...

See I find this whole thing highly amusing :) David does tend to stretch what people say sometimes, and sometimes it causes trouble, but this time I think it's just more funny. So here is my OPTIMISTIC clarification :) I am not at all pessimistic about dreams I have or places I want to go. I completely think whatever I decide to do can and will happen as long as that is what I am supposed to do. However, and this is really what I've meant before in my blogs about this, my problem is I never make any decisions. I might want to do something and think I can do it but I never make a final decision about it and therefore it never happens. The only reason I blog about anything like that is because it's somewhat of a therapy for me to write about it and usually when I'm done with the blog I'm more motivated to accomplish something. I don't at all mean for it to sound like I don't think I can do it, or woe is me my life sucks. I have a great life, regardless of what dreams I accomplish or what country I'm in because (as cheesy as it sounds) I really have great people in my life and that honestly is the most important thing to me. Part of the reason I haven't done certain things is because I don't want to sacrifice time with those people. So... if you (or anyone else) one day see a post about something not happy or 100% positive just remember that I'm not upset, depressed, or pessimistic, I'm just venting and will most likely be over it as soon as I hit "publish". You should try it, it really does help :)