Friday, October 30, 2009

Laura Cantrell Photography

I have had strange people telling me congratulations for the past week.  It’s been rather weird actually.  It started when I went into Tiny Town last weekend.  The store manager told me that she thought my pictures were really beautiful.  I thought she might have me confused with someone else so I just said “thank you” and walked on (all the while thinking that she was insane).  A few days later, I had a friend tell me congratulations and I look great via facebook.  Since I don’t talk to her very much, I thought she was talking about Emerson and having a baby.  Then today, my mom mentioned someone at church telling her to tell me congrats and that Emerson and I look great.  Strange.

Today, Emerson had more baby portraits done!  We had some taken when she was only 3 weeks old and a quick session done at 2 months.  The pictures are awesome, but I am not supposed to reproduce them without permission so I have never put them on my blog or on facebook.  While I was there yesterday, I found out that Laura Cantrell and Tiny Town have a contest during the month of July every year.  All the pictures from the July sittings are reviewed and winners are chosen.  The winning portrait is hung in Tiny Town (and possibly other places like the mall, etc.) as advertisement for Laura Cantrell.  Emerson’s session at 3 weeks old was on July 1st.  So her pictures were included in the contest.  And apparently, unbeknownst to me, we won!  Well, we received an honorable mention.  (I say “we” because I was in the picture too.)  But that’s still pretty good I think.  I was surprised!  (Apparently, a mass advertisement email went out to everyone.  They didn’t have my email so I didn’t receive the notice.  Haha.)

Now that we won and I have written up this entire glowing blog post on Laura Cantrell Photography, I think its okay that I post the almost winning photo.



Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

That is great picture!

Get Off Your A.S.K. said...

I love that picture. You guys should have won!