Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Daily Blog Posts

So after dinner tonight, I told Phillip that I needed to work on my blog before going to bed because “I promised myself that I would have a new blog post every day to attract new readers”. You know what he said? “Well, I told myself that I would work out each day to attract weight loss.” Gotta love honesty.

I know there are going to be days like this…Where I have nothing original to say. So I am going to go ahead and pass along another blog that I read and draw inspiration from there.

This is Rachel’s blog (one of my good friends from college). I love that she has a collection…even better a terrier collection. Check it out…(although not all pictures seen here are hers).

I have often thought it would be fun to collect something. I used to collect miniature tea sets when I was much much younger. I am not sure why actually. And I don’t collect them any longer (so please do not give me any!). But collections are one of those things that people tend to give you tons of if they find you like it. For instance, my mother-in-law likes/collects red birds (I say they’re cardinals, but she says red birds). She must have a billion of them. And Phillip and I are partially to blame, we know she likes them so we have given her everything from Christmas ornaments to unnecessary knick knacky dust collecting stand alone versions to a framed painting.

Maybe my collection should be purses and jewelry…

1 comment:

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Thanks for linking over to me. :) It's crazy how deep this blog thing goes, from one person to another blog, and so on and so on.