Friday, October 23, 2009

62 days and counting!

Christmas is coming! I know…It’s not even Halloween yet. But like I said before, I never did the Halloween thing anyway. Every single year, Phillip and I talk about decorating and then finally throw up our Sam’s outdoor tree at the last minute. Last year, we had an Alabama Christmas tree (Roll Tide!). It was cute. I promise. This year, we are going to buy an actual tree. Well, sort of. We are going to buy a full-sized tree. We can’t remember to water our dogs much less a tree so we’ll keep it simple. So this year, beyond the tree, we will also be putting out lights in our yard! Sounds fascinating, right? In our defense, it’s a big deal to us as we are typically the scrooges of the neighborhood. But no big blow up decorations if I can help it (Phillip’s another story on that one).

I was looking online for decorating inspiration. I am going to be having Christmas dinner at our house! Eeeekkkk! It’s Emerson’s first Christmas so it’s our first year at OUR house. I won’t know how many or who until probably that week. But we are going to be doing it right. Planning is key.

Sometimes I find that I don’t really know what I want. But I do know what I don’t want. Here’s a picture of the tree that we will NOT have.


I was thinking more Martha Stewart Christmas if at all possible. Note to self: Subscribe to Martha Stewart’s Living magazine asap.

But in the meantime…Take a look at this tree! I think its a perfectly chic and simple. Love it. *drool* (I love the wreath too! It’s too adorable!)


1 comment:

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

we LOVE Christmas in the Pilston house! Keith is the tree guy, only pretty trees, he doesn't like trees with cute homemade ornaments. Im sure that will change when kiddos coming along. :)