Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Office!

So I told you a while back about how atrocious my office was. Well, now you get to see the proof. I snapped these pictures just a few days ago. Let me explain how my office works…

Here is the door to my office…See mail slot. I had that put in so I could lock my door and employees would still leave me their paperwork. Do you see the sign taped to the window? That is a note that says “put anything and everything into the mail slot if I am not here” (well, basically that is what it says) and includes arrows pointing to the mail slot. They don’t use it. I still get things shoved under my door or left for me at the front desk or even better, a post-it note that says to call them because they need to give me some paperwork. Do you see the clipboard above the mail slot? That is my appointment sign-up sheet. Basically, to cut down on our employees just leaving their post in the middle of the day (which could be very bad when operating heavy machinery), we instituted appointments on Thursday mornings. I have a sign-up sheet for every Thursday in the year on that clipboard (so they can pre-plan if need be). It goes unused. Usually, the employees just walk in at random times and ask if they can make an appointment to see me right then. What’s even better is when someone steals the pen that goes with the clipboard…I even had someone steal the clipboard one time as well.


This is my exterior office. Yes, I have 2 rooms. Sounds nice, right? Well, it just traps more junk and gives me more places to put it.


And this lovely space is my office. I had it painted almost 2 years ago. I picked a creamy ivory color (as it was grey before). Somehow, I got yellow. I have to admit it did brighten it up, but yellow?


This is my desk. You know – The short one. It’s a lot prettier when its not covered in paper.


This is the workspace behind my desk. Another paper trap.


Here’s the baby corner. Actually, it doesn’t look so bad in this picture. It’s probably because Emerson wasn’t here that day.


So the question is now…How to make it better? I am going to start by organizing. Novel idea, huh? Then, I am going to figure out this furniture arrangement which means that the fixed pieces may have to go. Then, it will probably be time for new paint. I need to get creative and make this a place that I want to work in for a VERY LONG TIME!

My blog got a makeover, my closet is going to get a makeover (hopefully, this weekend), and now my office is in line too…What's next? Stay tuned...

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