Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 12: Saturday = Work Day

I have to admit…I fell behind on my tasks this week. I had a ton going on and it just didn’t happen everyday. So as it is Saturday (aka – The day to get stuff done), I did several things that have been on my mind.

1) I washed and sterilized every single baby bottle we have. Of course, I had to do this in between a feeding as getting out the pots, boiling the water, and making space is easier to do it once rather than twice. My fear is if I don’t do them all each week, there will be this one random floater bottle that absolutely never gets sterilized. And that would be gross. (Don’t misunderstand, we wash by hand or in the dishwasher every single time the bottle is used. And we sterilize in a bottle steamer 90% of the time. But I just feel like they look really super clean after swimming in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. I was trying to do this every weekend, but its been about 3 weeks, so it was due.)

2) Laundry. Again. And again. This is the never ending task. But its nice to have a day where I get several loads done and put away so I can put it off another few days. LOL. (I usually try to do one load a day if at all possible. And its usually the biggest sorted pile unless there is something specific I need clean.) But today, I made sure every other load was “house stuff” (i.e. sheets, towels, etc.) so that I got a good assortment of laundry cleaned before we leave town for Thanksgiving.

3) Phillip helped out today…Hooray! He cleaned up the garage, the pool, and the patio PLUS washed both dogs (see yesterday’s post to know that half of this was completely unnecessary). So I know he did it, but I am going to put it on my list of accomplishments anyway. I don’t care who did it…I am just glad it got done!

1 comment:

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Yeah for Phillip helping out! I am doing a huge purge since we have the move coming up, and there is always stuff we just don't need taking up space.