Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 13: Cleaned the fridge.

Yuck. My fridge is rather clean. I don’t really cook so we don’t have a lot going in and coming out. But I can honestly say that I don’t remember the last time that I removed everything (including the shelves and drawers) and cleaned it all. I looked at every single “use by” date and chunked an entire garbage bag full. (Not that we keep spoiled food around, but I never really look at the condiments because I don’t use them.) But it was a lot easier to organize it with less stuff to put back in. I think this will be nothing but helpful during the holidays!


Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

We always find surprises when we clean out the fridge.

Anonymous said...

I live by dates on things. Be sure to check dates before you buy stuff too. Did you know that peanut butter and canned goods expire? I checked the date before I bought some pb recently, and the expiration date was one month from when I would have bought it. So, I searched for another container that had a much longer date on it. I can't eat a whole jar of pb in a month! I'm glad you're getting things organized. You are inspiring me!

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