Monday, January 11, 2010

I’m baaaaacckk!

I am going to start out by saying thank you to all my followers…All 6 of you!  (And, yes, Mom.  You can follow too because I know you read it even though you act like you don’t…!)  Recently, I received a really nice encouraging comment from an anonymous reader.  So maybe I only have 6 official followers, but I may possibly have a few more regulars…bringing the total to 10 maybe?  Woohoo!

I was really trying to blog almost everyday to encourage new readers to keep coming back.  But then…life happened.  I found many other things that took priority and nothing seemed all that interesting to blog about.  Then my computer somehow got sick and decided not to do anything but lay around and be completely lazy…(lol).  And then we ran off to California for a little thing called the BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!  Roll Tide!

Anyway, enough about all that.  I am back.  I promise.  I even have a few blog posts floating around in my head that just needs to be put down on laptop paper.  So forgive me for regressing, but my next few posts will be catching up to where I sit now.

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