Monday, January 11, 2010

A new year…A new me?

(Written prior to complete computer shutdown...)

So…It’s almost 2010…I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions. Mainly because I know I won’t be able to keep them. But this year…It’s going to be different. I have decided that my life has been filled with broken personal promises. I always have the best of intentions, but for whatever reason, I just find other more pressing things to occupy my time.

So as I write this, I am raising my wine glass to a new year and a new me. A new year being 2010 and a new me…Well, the old me, but keeping with my new resolutions.

Here it goes (I have a lot!)…I am going to have spa days. I am going to have lunch dates with my girlfriends. I am going to have high tea with my mom. I am going to take Emerson to the park just to enjoy the sunshine. I am going to eat dinner under the stars. I am going to relax in our hot tub with a big glass of wine on a regular basis. I am going to read a good book in bed while listening to the rain. I am going to walk on the beach at sunset and collect seashells. I am going to spend more time generally being more fabulous.

So, that sounds reasonable, right? No need for me to make resolutions that I don’t really want to keep anyway.


Katherine said...

Let me know when you are ready for a spa day or a lunch!!! Loving your resolutions!!

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Can I join in the hot tub with a big glass of wine?

Unknown said...

Spa days & lunch dates...Hot tub & wine...Anytime, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Here's to Meagan being more fabulous! :)
