Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I’ve missed you, Mr. Blog.

I read a lot of  different blogs by people that “I know”…which means that I knew at some point in life (high school, college, whatever)…and I read a lot of blogs by people that I don’t know, but peaked my interest for whatever reason.  (So if you have a blog and I am not following…then please leave a comment with your address so I can check it out!)

I love my blogs.  I love peeking into someone else’s world if just for a small bit of time every once in a while.  They are filled with ideas and inspiration…Some are themed (cooking, decorating, family, etc.) and some are just general “whatever I am thinking at the moment” blogs.  I love it when I find something so interesting that I start dreaming about how to somehow make it work for me.  It’s fabulous. 

I highly encourage all that are reading to start a blog.  But I realize that some of you may only be able to take baby steps when it comes to major life decisions.  So maybe you should start with creating a blogger account (if you have Gmail then you are already 99% there) and starting a “reading list” (you know…blogs you like to read).  It’s all very easy and I will be right here ready to hold your hand if you need me. 

Make sure to send me your blog address if you have one (and I am not already following).  And if you find a few new blogs along the way that I might be interested in, then please send me those too!


Katherine said...

ok, don't laugh but here it is...www.katherineablake.blogspot.comI was not a big fan of the WL format.

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

the entire right side of my blog is fabulous things to read! thanks for being a faithful follower!