Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The world on my shoulders…

Not that anyone is probably reading this…But I have been one busy girl these last few weeks. Lately, I find myself with an aching pain in my neck that runs down into my shoulders and then down my back. I literally feel like I am carrying the weight of the world. Although I have been making huge strides in certain aspects of my life, I find that all the others are holding me back. My never ending to-do list is only getting longer and I find less and less time to accomplish the simplest of tasks. It’s extremely hard to juggle all that we have going on right now when all I want to do is crawl in bed and take a nap.

So let me start with a quick “what’s been going on” update…We hopped on a plane to LA with baby in hand. We spent a few days exploring and one big fun-filled day at the BCS National Championship game. Roll Tide! Then I came home to a crazy busy pile of work. All those things that I probably should have started before we left, but ran out of time. And then Mardi Gras, and then baby dedication, and then in-laws. Anyway, I will devote a blog post to the biggies as I find time to write them…but I promise…SOON! And with pictures!

I was driving down the road (by myself! which doesn’t happen often anymore) and thinking about updating my blog after Emerson went to bed tonight. I was thinking through everything that has been going on lately (as in the last 2 months) and what I needed to include in the post). I realized that the post I was writing in my head was really negative and focused on all the things that I was completely failing at. So I stopped and thought about my “accomplishments”.

1. I lost weight! (And still losing…) Such a feat. More to come on that in a bit.

2. I finished my filing at work 100%. I think there was actually more to be filed than actually in the filing cabinet.

3. I gave away over half of my wardrobe (nice stuff to a friend and other things to a good organization). It was really hard, but at the same time very freeing.

In conclusion…I have been a very bad blogger. But I promise to do better. Seriously, I promise.

1 comment:

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Baby Dedication! Send Aunt Rachel pictures!